Taos Watercolor Workshop 2017

I am happy to announce that I just won an award for one of the best art instructors in Colorado. It was based on student satisfaction, classes available,media presence and a few other categories. It is posted on my website if you would like to read more about it.
I just finished teaching a five day watercolor workshop in Taos New Mexico at the famous Mabel Dodge Luhan House. The weather was excellent and we visited different locations for painting each day. This old adobe house was a fascinating subject and the cast shadows from the tree made it even more interesting. The painting was done in an Aquabee Watercolor Sketchbook with Winsor&Newton paints and sable travel brushes. The French Impressionists showed us that shadows and cast shadows are full of color rather than just darker tones of gray and black. The rich mixture of mineral violet and yellow ochre for the cast shadows on the adobe add life and interest to this painting.
Check out my Taos & Sante Fe Portfolio for more paintings of Taos New Mexico.
Join us next time! Learn more about the Taos Watercolor Workshop »