Watercolor Class Supply List
Here is the supply list that I recommend for my classes and workshops. The paints I use are Winsor Newton and Holbein but there are other excellent brands such as Daniel Smith and Sennelier. It is okay to have several different brands of paints on your palette. I prefer tube paints so that I can replenish my colors and always have fresh paint. If you have favorite colors that are not on my supply list, please include them in your supplies. When purchasing the colors below, don’t worry about if they are warm or cool or transparent or opaque. I just added this information for your future reference.
* = excellent but not necessary
Cadmium Red - warm, opaque
Alizarin Crimson - cool, transparent
* Venetian Red - grayed red, opaque
* Rose Dore - warm, transparent
Cadmium Yellow - warm, opaque
Lemon Yellow - cool, opaque
* Transparent Yellow - warm, transparent
Yellow Ochre - warm, semi-opaque
Burnt Sienna - warm, transparent
Raw Umber - cool, transparent
Olive Green - cool, transparent
* Perylene Green - cool, transparent
* Terre Verte - cool, semi-transparent
Cerulean Blue - cool, opaque
Ultramarine Blue - warm, transparent
Cobalt Violet - warm, semi-transparent
Mineral Violet - warm, semi-transparent
I prefer 140 lb cold press watercolor paper in blocks because each sheet is stretched resulting in less buckling. Watercolor paper also comes in sheets, tablets and sketchbooks. Fabriano is my favorite watercolor paper but it is also expensive. Arches also makes high quality watercolor paper and there are other good brands such as Winsor Newton, Stonehenge Aqua, Sennelier, etc. A good size is 9” x 12” or larger. Full sheets can be cut down to whatever size you want. If you are using individual sheets, they will need to be taped down to a stiff support such as a drawing board.

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Watercolor brushes come in synthetic and natural hair with Kolinsky Sable being the most expensive. Synthetic brushes work well and are less expensive. My favorite brands of watercolor brush are Escoda and Winsor Newton (most expensive), Black Velvet, and Princeton are also good quality. Most of my painting is done with Brush Number 8 and Number 10 Rounds. I also use a 1” or 1 1/2” Flat Brush and a 1/2’ Flat Brush. Travel brushes are nice if you travel with a watercolor kit but I don’t recommend them for regular class work. I avoid small brushes, that is anything below a Number 6 Round.
Plastic palettes are fine but they should have a lid and at least 14 wells.
Spray Bottle
Water Container with large opening
Tissues without lotion or Paper Towels
(Viva being the best!)